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Volunteer Opportunities

At the Solano Hispanic Chamber of Commerce we are comprised of a working board. This means the board members are all volunteer based and do not receive any financial compensation for the work they do. There are however, many benefits to both volunteering and being a member of a Chamber of Commerce. Some of the many benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Adding visibility to your business
  • Creating a stronger network of people friendly with and knowledgeable of your business
  • Providing valuable marketing for your business at reasonable prices
  • Having access to member educational programs and events
  • Affecting change and having a voice in local policies and politics
  • Making a difference in your community

These are just some of the many benefits a Chamber of Commerce offers, but it is important to note that we cannot accomplish all of this alone. The Board also relies upon volunteers, as they help us take events to the next level, educate other members, expand business connections between members, go to important community events and meetings, and more.

Currently the Solano Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has three types of volunteers:

  1. Standard volunteers - Standard volunteers help at events and mixers, share information on social media and learn about the intentions and benefits of the Chamber. You do not need to be a member to be a standard volunteer. Our hope is that non-member volunteers will become members after seeing the many opportunities available to them and their businesses. To become a standard volunteer, please fill out the volunteer application form and someone from the Board will follow up with you. Click Here to Apply
  2. Ambassadors - Ambassadors help organize and run events and mixers, spread the word about the Chamber's intentions and many benefits, and can serve on sub-committees with board members. You must be bilingual and a member in good standing to be considered for the ambassador program. To volunteer to be an ambassador, please fill out the ambassador application form and someone from the Board will follow up with you. Click Here to Apply.
  3. Board Members - Board members perform a variety of functions. They attend monthly meetings that help plan events, set goals for the Chamber, plan educational trainings for the membership, plan annual events like the Awards Gala, manage the membership and drive membership growth, and much more. Many board members will serve as Officers. Examples of some Officer roles are:  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Chief Ambassador and Parliamentarian. Each board member agrees to certain duties while officer roles include additional duties unique to that position. You must be a current member in good standing to be considered for the board member program. To volunteer to be a board member, please fill out the board member application form and someone from the Board will follow up with you. Click Here to Apply

The Chamber appreciates anyone considering the volunteer program. If you have any questions about any of these volunteer opportunities, please reach out to our President at We appreciate your time and thank you for your support!

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